Skjold Display التطبيقات

Safe GPS
Skjold Display
Need to know where friend or family member arelocated?Are they in a emergency situation?Send them SMS a with their password, and get google map link inreturn.Do you need to share your location? Press SMS icon and send agoogle map link.Lost your phone? Send it a SMS with your password.All you need to do first is to set up a password in Safe GPS,and enable SMS service. That's it.Be safe, instal this app and share location when needed.
Web Kiosk Launcher 1.1
Skjold Display
Welcome to Web Kiosk Launcher.Please read , this is importiant.This application is a web browser who becomes the new home screenwhen you press device home button.Use this application if you want to lock your device to only show aspesific web page. Restart device for full effect.Importiant!Settings is password protected. Password is 1.Activate Launcher:Press home button on device. Select "use by default for thisaction", and select Android Browser.Edit Home page url, menu buttons, fullscreen and clock in Menu> preferences.Undo Launcher:Menu > System settings > Applications > Manageapplications. Clear defaults in Android Web Skjold Display
One Web page browser
Skjold Display
Simple web browser locked to one web page.
3 Day Battery
Skjold Display
Simple explanation on how to prolong batterylife to 3 days+.This actually works.
Kadabra Cam 1.11
Skjold Display
Features:-Free, no adds.-Very simple photo camera.-Big buttons-Swype left/right to take picture.-Interval timer. 1,2,5,10,60 seconds. Use for time lapsvideo.-Many settings, Front/back camera, shutter sound on/off, viewfinderon/off, buttons on/off, vibrate on/off, flash on/off,-Pictures saves to external storage\Kadabra Cam. (view photosinAndroid Gallery)-To exit, goto Menu and press Exit.* WARNING! Do not use this application to take pictureswithoutpermission.
List Player remote 0.4
Skjold Display
-Free, no adds.-Remote control for music software List Player on pc.-Plying song is shown on screen.-Selected song is shown on screen.-Buttons are: Play, Pause, Previous, Next, Vol up, Vol down.-You must be on the same network as the pc software.-Many users can control the same pc aplication.-Three communication channels are available.-Name pops up in pc aplication when connected.Download List Player at
Business card
Skjold Display
Features:+Sends your business card by SMS.+Free, no adds.Background:+Sharing long email address by a voice call can be confusinganddifficult for the receiver to understand,instead use this simple app and get the job done in no time.Usage:Just open this app, select your last call from list, andpresssend.At first use, enter your contact information by entering Skjold DisplayIf any problem, please contact me by email.
Clean Laundry
Skjold Display
Washing machine timer that notifies you get connect to your homewifi network.
Trafficlight Log v0.7
Skjold Display
Record traffic light switching time.Two traffic lights can be recorded.Press red or green light to record time.Long click on list clears item.Share key, allows for online store and share.Menu:--Edit Share key, registered key allows for online store andshare.--Internet time, Checking internet server time and phoneclock.--Quit.Free share key: light001Your own share key can be bought for 10$.You can use this app to save other events also.
Big Cam 1.04
Skjold Display
With this app you won't miss the cameratriggerbutton.Buttons covers whole screen.Button layout is selectable (Horisontal, Vertical, Focus, No Focus)Pictures is stored in sdcard\Big Cam.Review pictures in Android gallery.
Bluetooth Wedge
Skjold Display
Bluetooth keyboard wedge for your web-application.
Internet time
Skjold Display
Get accurate time from internet.
Heart Counter v1.4
Skjold Display
Usage:Click heart symbol at your own heart rate.After 5 times, your heart rate/minute shows up.Features:Free, no adds.Shows your heart rate/minute.Results is saved on device for later Skjold Displaytags:monitor, health, fitnes, pulse
SMS Notify
Skjold Display
Plays loud SMS tone, with the phones selected ringer volume.